Tshuaj txhuam hniav rau cov tawv nqaij

Nws tshwm sim tau hais tias ib tug neeg mam li pib hnov ​​qhov tsis xis nyob hauv cov hniav thaum noj mov, txhuam nws cov hniav lossis txawm nqus pa txias. Cov hniav tuaj yeem ua kom muaj qaub los yog qab zib, sov los yog txias, zoo nkaus li ntshai tshwm sim thiab nws tsis paub meej tias yuav ua li cas rau nws. Tsis txhob ntshai thiab ntshai tias tam sim no ib nrab ntawm koj lub neej yuav nyob hauv lub rooj zaum ntawm tus kws kho hniav. Tseeb, hyperesthesia ntawm enamel - lub heev hypersensitivity ntawm cov hniav - yog ib qho tshwm sim ntau heev (tshwj xeeb tshaj yog nyob rau hauv cov poj niam).

Vim li cas cov hniav thiaj li ua rau?

Hyperesthesia ntawm cov ntaub so ntswg tawv ntawm tus hniav yog ua los ntawm kev mob qeeb tsis ntev tom qab tsis ntev tshaj 20 feeb. Cov kabmob no tshwm sim thaum tus stimulus hits tus hniav - tshuaj, kub lossis tactile. Qhov mob kuj tuaj yeem tshwm sim nyob rau hauv ib cheeb tsam (txawm tias nyob hauv ib qho hniav) thiab systemically (tag nrho cov hniav lossis feem ntau ntawm lawv).

Tsawg ntau tshaj li ib qhov ua rau ua rau muaj kev tsis haum ntawm cov hniav, qhov tseem ceeb yog:

Hauv qhov no, ntau cov pob txha tsis ntau ntawm cov hniav yog nrog txoj kev loj hlob ntawm tus niam hniav hyperesthesia ua ntej pom tshwm sim ntawm qhov txhab. Yog li, tus hniav txha hniav laus yog thawj qhov cim ntawm qhov kev loj hlob ntawm qhov zoo li no thiab, yog tias muaj lus nug yuav ua li cas, lo lus teb yog ib qho - tig mus rau tus kws kho hniav.

Kuv yuav ua li cas yog tias kuv cov hniav ua puas tsuaj?

Yog tias kev mob siab tshaj plaws ntawm cov ntaub so ntswg yog nrog cov cim ntawm kev sib txawv los sis tsis ua haujlwm, tus kws kho mob yuav xub kho tus hniav tsis meej, nrog kev pab ntawm lub raj. Qhov no tso cai rau koj kaw cov hlab ntsha txoj hlab ntsha ntawm cov kab xo ntawm cov kab tawm sab nraud. Ntxiv mus, tus kws kho mob yuav tsum tau ua raws li cov txheej txheem ntawm cov tshuaj fluoridation, uas yuav ntxiv dag zog rau cov ntaub so ntswg.

Ua ib qho kev ntsuas tiv thaiv, tus kws kho hniav yuav qhia koj kom hloov tus txhuam hniav rau ib qho uas nws bristles yog soft and ilv, thiab kuj yuav qhia ib cov tshuaj txhuam hniav tshwj xeeb rau cov tawv nqaij thiab qhia txoj kev zoo ntawm kev ntxuav koj cov hniav .

Yuav luag tag nrho cov neeg lag luam ntawm cov tshuaj txhuam hniav muaj tib yam hauv lawv cov arsenal rau cov tawv nqaij. Qhov no dua ib zaug hais txog qhov kev ceeb ntawm qhov teeb meem. Ib ntawm cov ua lag luam ntawm cov tshuaj txhuam hniav yog Blend-a-med. Lawv Muab Tshuaj Tiv Thaiv Cov Teeb Meem Rau Cov Hniav Uas Muaj Cov Tshuaj Muaj cov tshuaj fluorides uas ua kom muaj zog cov kua nplaum thiab lwm yam khoom xyaw, uas tsis tsuas yog txo cov kev mob, tab sis tseem tiv thaiv tau nws cov tsos vim qhov kev tiv thaiv ntawm cov kab mob hniav.

Qhov paub ploj paub ntau yam paub Sensodyne F kuj yog ib tus neeg pabcuam zoo nyob rau hauv kev sib ntaus tawm tsam kev vau. Calcium ions diffuse thaum ntxuav hauv cov ntaub so ntswg thiab muab ntaub qhwv cov kab yas tawm, uas tiv thaiv cov hlab ntsha ntawm voos. Thaum siv tshuaj txhuam, muaj kev sib txuam nrog kev cai, yog li ntawd nws yog siv los ntawm kev kawm.

Pasta Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief zoo heev cov yas lo hniav uas tsis muaj kev ntxias ntawm cov hlab ntsha. Ua hauj lwm ntawm thawj zaug siv thiab ua kom muaj txiaj ntsim ruaj khov nrog kev kho kom zoo. Ntxiv rau kev txo tus cwj pwm, nws tiv thaiv cov hniav ntawm cov kab. Tus tshuaj muab tshuaj muaj cov amino acid arginine, uas yog tam sim no hauv cov qaub ncaug txhua tus neeg.

Tshuaj Txhuam Hnav Lacalut Sensitive yog ib yam khoom zoo los ntawm German lub chaw tsim tshuaj. High concentration of fluorine muab cov mineralization sai ntawm enamel, vim li cas txo thiab hyperesthesia. Nws tshem tawm cov quav hniav zoo, tab sis yog siv los ntawm kev kawm.