Lauj kaub tais diav los ntawm minced nqaij thiab qos yaj ywm

Wb paub nrog koj seb cov tais diav twg npaj tau los ntawm minced meat and potatoes.

Ci nqaij thiab qos yaj ywm casserole

Cov khoom xyaw:


Yog li ntawd, lub qos yaj ywm yog ntxuav, ntxuav, muab tso rau hauv ib lub lauj kaub thiab boiled kom txog thaum npaj txhij, ntuav ib tug laurel nplooj ntoos. Peb tev lub noob los ntawm cov txiv hmab txiv ntoo, muab cov khoom me me thiab muab tso rau daim nplaum, ntawm ib lub lauj kaub tais diav hauv zaub roj. Tam sim no muab cov khoom sib sau ntawm no thiab txhua lub caij nrog spices. Fry kom txog thaum uas npaj txhij, tas li stirring.

Thaum lub qos yaj ywm muaj siav, peb noj cov nplooj nplooj thiab nrog cov kev pab ntawm cov kev tuav pov hwm peb tig txhua yam rau hauv puree. Tom ntej, noj daim ntawv rau roasting, npog nws nrog butter thiab muab ib tug tuab txheej rau hauv qab ntawm qos yaj ywm mashed . Tom qab ntawd npog txhua yam tusyees tov nrog dos, sprinkle qaub cream thiab sprinkle nrog grated cheese. Peb xa cov casserole mus rau lub qhov cub txhuam hniav thiab nco txog 40 feeb. Tom qab ntawd ua tib zoo muab, sib faib ua ke thiab ua hauj lwm rau lub rooj.

Qos nqaij npuas nrog nqaij minced

Cov khoom xyaw:


Yuav ua li cas ua noj ib tug thiab lub npliag nplua siv qos yaj ywm thiab minced nqaij? Nws yooj yim heev! Peeled qos yaj ywm yog ntxuav nrog dej txias, qhuav nrog ib tug phuam thiab rubbed on ib tug tshwj xeeb zaub grater. Carrots yog ntxuav, grinded on ib tug loj grater, thiab los ntawm ib lub teeb peb tshem tawm cov husks thiab shinkuem me me cubes. Ces ib nrab lub dos yog kib nyob rau hauv zaub roj thiab tov nrog qos yaj ywm. Peb tawg qe no, muab cov carrots, ntsev thiab kua txob rau saj. Tag nrho cov khoom xyaw yog kom huv si.

Peb kuj seasoned lub minced nqaij nrog spices, ntxiv qhov seem uas yog raw dos thiab tov nws. Ci peb zaub mov nyob rau hauv ib lub lauj kaub, muab tso rau hauv txheej: thawj zaug qos, ces nqaij thiab dua zaub. Peb xa cov tais hauv qhov cub thiab tos txog 30 feeb, teem qhov kub siab 190 degrees. Peb ua hauj lwm rau ib tug pog npaj txhij-ua paum rau hauv lub rooj hauv daim ntawv kub, txiav rau hauv me me pieces, sprinkling finely tws tshuaj ntsuab thiab qaub cream.

Daim ntawv qhia rau minced meat and potatoes

Cov khoom xyaw:

Rau cov khoom:

Rau breading:


Rau qhov kev npaj ntawm cov khoom noj khoom haus peb noj nqaij npuas thiab nqaij nyuj, tev tau qos yaj ywm, dos, qij thiab spices. Qos yaj ywm grind on tsawg tshaj plaws grate thiab nyem qhov kua txiv. Nqaij ntxuav, qhuav, tiav los ntawm tapes thiab twisted los ntawm ib tug nqaij grinder. Teeb finely tws nrog ib tug ntse riam thiab txuas nrog nqaij, qos yaj ywm thiab squeezed qej. Npaj txhij mus rau mince meej thiab knead me ntsis, npog sab saum toj nrog ib tug movie zaub mov. Tom qab ntawd peb noj ib me ntsis nqaij loj, peb muab puag ncig cutlets, peb ncuav lawv kom zoo zoo nyob rau hauv ib tug tov ntawm breadcrumbs thiab hmoov.

Tam sim no muab tso rau hauv ib lub laujkaub sib sib zog sib sib zog nqus ntawm qhov hluav taws, ncuav roj rau hauv nws thiab kom sov nws mus rau ib qho dej. Txav kom zoo zoo peb cov cutlets thiab kib lawv ntawm ob sab kom txog thaum npaj txhij thiab Golden xim av. Tom qab ntawd, ncuav me ntsis dej rau hauv lub laujkaub, npog nws nrog lub hau, muab lub tais kom txog thaum lub kua evaporates tag thiab ua haujlwm nrog cov tais zaub thiab zaub hauv ib daim ntawv kub.